C u b e I Q
Enabling Technologies for Financial Services
CubeIQ Limited
CubeIQ Limited is an IT company specialized in Business Process Re-engineering, focused in the Banking and Electronic Transaction Processing Market. Our leading-edge software solutions can transform business processes in a more efficient, more productive and cost saving way.
Governance, Ethics & Compliance Site
Documentation on CubeIQ Organization & Management
CubeIQ Limited is dedicated to provide to our customers with excellent solutions and services and our employees with a safe, creative and productive work environment.
CubeIQ Limited and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, the “Company”) recognizes the need to establish and maintain corporate governance policies and practices which reflect the regulatory environment and the expectations of shareholders, associates, customers and all others who deal with the Company.
The Company implemented and continuously maintains a Corporate Governance Policies and Practices set of documents which demonstrate our commitment and describe company’s main corporate governance policies and practices. The Company has adopted the Principles of Corporate Governance as they are defined in the applicable Greek law, EU directives and international practices.
Corporate Governance, as a set of rules, principles and control mechanisms, defined in policies documentation, under which the Company in organized and managed, targets to safeguard the interests of shareholders and all those associated with her operation as well as to provide transparency to the investment community
Corporate governance documentation, including relevant corporate policies, operating producers and practices can be found and downloaded in the Library section.
Library section is separated in level 1 and level 2 sections.
Documents in Level 1 have free access and they are available to the public.
Level 2 documents are available to CubeIQ customers under a user name/password user authentication.
If you need to access Level 2 documents please contact us at sw.support[at]cubeiq[dot]gr.